(Joplin, MO) – In accordance with State and Federal regulations, the City of Joplin intends to submit an application for the renewal of its Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit, which is set to expire in September 2021. An MS4 permit authorizes public entities, such as the City of Joplin, to discharge stormwater collected by its storm sewer systems to waters of the United States, as defined in 10 CSR 20-6.200(D)24 of the Missouri Secretary of State Code of State Regulations. The permit requires the City to develop, implement, and enforce a stormwater management program (SWMP) corresponding to the requirements of the MS4 Permit.
This advertisement serves as public notice of a public comment period of thirty days, beginning on the date of publication of this notice, of the City’s Stormwater Management Program. Any relevant information, materials, or comments pertaining to the proposed draft stormwater management plan, the Comprehensive General MS4 Permit, or the permit renewal in general can be submitted to the attention of Steven Martinez at 602 S. Main Street, Joplin Missouri 64801 or emailed to smartine@joplinmo.org.
Additionally, a Public Information meeting shall be held from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm on Thursday, March 11 in the fifth floor Council Chambers at City Hall to provide Joplin citizens with information on, or describe the contents of, the proposed Stormwater Management Program. The City’s current stormwater management plan, as well as the draft Comprehensive General MS4 permit renewal, can be found on the City’s website and physical copies can be obtained at the Public Works department on the fourth floor of City Hall.
Lynn Onstot, Public Information Officer
City of Joplin
417.624.0820, ext. 204
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