(Joplin, MO) – Jasper County CASA is starting off the new year by training more community members to advocate for abused and neglected children in the foster care system.
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs) are community members who desire to give vulnerable children a voice during desperate times in their life. Jasper County CASA hosts training sessions periodically throughout the year for anyone who is interested in ensuring that foster children are safe, happy, and have a voice. Jasper County CASA will be hosting online information sessions through Zoom for those who would like to know more. Registration for these information sessions can be found at jascocasa.org/events.
CASA volunteers complete a 30-hour training on Zoom, are sworn in by a judge, and are assigned a case of a child or sibling group in foster care in Jasper County. CASAs meet with their children at least twice a month and become a consistent, caring person in their lives. CASAs work with caseworkers, juvenile officers, guardians-ad-litems, teachers, therapists, and other people in the child’s life to ensure that all the child’s need are being met. Now is a great time to get involved with CASA, as more children enter the foster care system every day. Currently, over 300 children in foster care in Jasper County do not yet have a CASA who can advocate on their behalf.
There is a child in need who is waiting for you. Volunteer as a child advocate or donate today. For more ways you can help, visit jascocasa.org or email us at kenedie@jascocasa.org.
About Jasper County CASA:
Jasper County CASA is a nonprofit organization that provides trained volunteers who advocate for the best interest of abused and neglected children.
Kenedie Watchorn, Volunteer Coordinator
Jasper County Casa
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