Joplin Public Library Announces Continuing Education Service, UniversalClass

(Joplin, MO)Joplin Public Library is pleased to announce that library patrons can now grow their skillsets and explore new hobbies and passions through continuing education service UniversalClass.

Through the library’s website, patrons can access more than 600 courses in 35 subject areas, many of which offering Continuing Education Units (CEUs) accredited by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET). Patrons have unlimited access and can complete courses at their own pace, anytime on any device. Real human instructors grade assignments and provide feedback to build deeper understanding and master of subject matters.

The wide range of subject areas serves both professionals looking to upskill and lifelong learners exploring new topics for fun. Subject areas include Arts and Music, Cooking, Computers and Technology, Exercise and Fitness, Entrepreneurship, Health and Medicine, Home and Garden Care, Homeschooling, Job Assistance, Law and Legal, Parenting and Family, Pet and Animal Care, and many more.

Use your Joplin Public Library card to register for UniversalClass and access these courses for free!

About Joplin Public Library:

Since 1902, JPL has been fulfilling the information needs of citizens of Joplin and the surrounding community. JPL opens tomorrow’s doors today through diverse opportunities to learn, create, explore, and have fun.


Joplin Public Library

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