Rapha International’s August 2024 Update

Learn more about Rapha International’s important work that’s taking place around the world with updates from their latest e-newsletter. Find out more below.

Education Provides Safety for Children

Children all over the US are heading into a new school year. Rapha is looking for 150 people to help us purchase school supplies. $27 will allow us to provide one child in Thailand with resources and support to attend school.

When our Prevention program staff in Thailand asked parents of refugee children what resources they needed most, they shared their desire for their kids to be in school and receive an education.

This shows the importance of education to vulnerable families–rather than asking for food, clothing, or other necessities, parents ask for hope for their children’s future through education!

Will you join the movement to bring sustainable freedom to one child, one family, and one community at a time?

Your gift of $27 will make a direct impact on the lives of refugee children in Thailand.

Learn more and give here.

Rapha Staff Supports Local Schools

The Hope and Healing Center, Rapha’s trauma therapy center in Joplin, is preparing for another school year of engagement and support in local schools. Professional therapists at the Hope and Healing Center frequently visit local schools in southwest Missouri to conduct group and individual therapy sessions, to train students on suicide prevention and trauma, and to equip teachers to recognize signs of exploitation and human trafficking. Schools are a fantastic safety net for children, and Rapha is committed to strengthening that safety net in every community we serve.

Learn more about the Hope & Healing Center here.

Asia Region Anti-Human Trafficking Conference

Theara Sath, Rapha’s Cambodia Country Director, was invited to speak as a panelist at the Asia Region Anti-Trafficking Conference in Bali. This July, Theara joined professionals combating trafficking all over the continent of Asia to discuss issues facing survivors of trafficking and the systems working to address it. Theara spoke to a group at the conference on the importance of empowering and equipping local staff, a foundational principle of Rapha’s work. We are so proud of Theara for representing Rapha’s work at this conference and for being a strong voice in support of vulnerable children.

Pray for and with Rapha

Please pray for children to be safe and protected as they begin a new school year.

Please pray for Rapha’s staff and the girls at the new TTF Protection Center.

Please pray for peaceful progress as the Kenyan troops and Haitian police counter gang violence in Haiti.

Please pray for more efforts to be made in building policies that protect children all over the world.

If you would like to join Rapha in prayer to combat human trafficking, please click here.

Hathai’s Story

Hathai’s family was very poor. She had six brothers and sisters. At fourteen, she was the second oldest and the oldest girl. Although they lacked access to many important resources, Hathai’s family was very close. They all worked hard together to make ends meet.

Hathai’s father got exciting news — his brother and his brother’s adult son (Hathai’s uncle and cousin) were coming for a visit. Hathai’s father hadn’t seen his brother in many years. They saved money and food for weeks to prepare for the visit.

One evening, when Hathai was cleaning up after a large meal, her uncle and cousin called her out to sit with them. They were both drinking liquor from a dark bottle. They offered her some and when she declined they insisted. She took the smallest drink she could, but the liquid still burned down into her stomach.

Suddenly, Hathai’s cousin insisted that she come with him into town. She protested — it was late and already dark–but she was being ushered into their truck. Hathai’s cousin took her into town and forced her to have sex with a man in exchange for money. Hathai was shocked, confused, and heartbroken…

Read more about Hathai’s story and Rapha’s intervention here.

Advocacy Handbook

Do you want to take the next step in fighting human trafficking? Then Rapha’s Advocacy Handbook is for you.

Read more and download the handbook here.

Digital Newsletter Download

Download a digital PDF of this newsletter here.

About Rapha International:

The mission of Rapha International is to end the trafficking, exploitation, and abuse of children, one child at a time, through aftercare for survivors, prevention for the vulnerable, and engagement for everyone.


Rapha International

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