With a recently awarded $1.74 million Recycling Education Outreach (REO) grant, the City of Joplin looks forward to working with its partners to develop more awareness and opportunities about recycling for our area residents. The City joined Region M Waste Management, Joplin Schools, and The Homeless Coalition to apply for the Environmental Protection Agency REO grant offered through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL).
“This is a significant grant that will help our area improve our environment through education about recycling, waste management, and reducing our environmental impact in southwest Missouri,” said Nick Edwards, City Manager. “These efforts will focus on increasing awareness about materials accepted for recycling, reducing waste and refuse in our landfills, and encouraging participation in programs while educating our citizens, including school-age children, about these programs.”
The REO grant is a three-year grant and is the most recent award the City has received. It brings the grant total to nearly $41 million for infrastructure, housing, broadband, trails, stormwater and wastewater improvements, public safety, tourism, and recreational opportunities. In recent months, City leaders and their consultant, Guidehouse, worked to apply for BIL and ARPA (America Rescue Plan Act) grants that addressed a prioritized list of projects to move Joplin forward.
“These funds allow us to make community improvements with little or no cost to our citizens,” said Edwards. “We are pleased to have received these awards, which will allow us to work on improvements and amenities to benefit our citizens, prospective residents, and new businesses.”
As the EPA rolls out this grant and its specifications, the City and its grant partners will focus on working together to increase collection rates and decrease contamination in residential and community recycling programs. The City will release more details as the programs are developed in upcoming months.
Lynn Iliff Onstot, Public Information Officer
City of Joplin
417.624.0820, ext. 204
Joplin Recycling Center only takes plastic bottles with necks. That leaves a multitude of other plastic containers that are going into the trash bins (unless one pays for the blue containers). We take all of our material for recycling to the Center, so the unacceptable plastics have to go halfway across town to a friend’s house.
We often see people utilizing the facility so it would help your cause to provide a way for all citizens to dispose of plastics appropriately.