This September, the Wildcat Glades Nature Group, along with other partners, will be hosting a Yoga in Nature event, Preschool Connections programs, and a Nature Explorers program. Volunteers will also continue their work on the Habitat Restoration project along the trails at Wildcat Park.
Wildcat Park Habitat Restoration Initiative
Various dates throughout the month | Ongoing project
Wildcat Glades Nature Group, in partnership with local students, continues to have work days to remove invasive species from Wildcat Park. Invasive species are detrimental to native plants and wildlife in the Park. Removing the invasive species provides better habitat for plants and animals, and in turn, benefits us. The Restoration Plan is an ongoing project that will be carried out over the next ten years. The work days are completed by Wildcat volunteers, representatives from Missouri Southern State University (MSSU), and Wildcat staff.
If you are interested in becoming involved with the project, please reach out maddie@wildcatglades.org.
KCU Student Trail Workdays
Every other Saturday at Wildcat Park
Students from Kansas City University’s (KCU) Students for a Sustainable Future organization spend every other Saturday at Wildcat Park working on the trails. These future medical professionals have worked with Wildcat Glades volunteers to remove invasive plant species from the trails, removed graffiti off various surfaces, cleaned up trash, and much more. They have become a staple for the volunteer workforce that keeps Wildcat Park clean for all to enjoy. We are grateful to be the recipients of their time and hard work!
Lost Creek Water Festival
September 8 | 9:00 am to 2:30 pm | Eastern Shawnee PowWow Grounds
Wildcat Glades Nature Group will have a booth at the Lost Creek Water Festival held by the Eastern Shawnee Tribe’s Water Quality Monitoring Program.
Joplin Sesquicentennial Rock Stock
September 8 and 9 | 3:00 to 11:00 pm | Landreth Park
Want to support Wildcat Glades Nature Group while celebrating Joplin’s 150th birthday? Stop by the Wildcat Glades booth at Rock Stock to purchase your beverages! All proceeds will benefit the Wildcat Glades Nature Group.
Prairie Day
September 9 | 10:00 am to 3:00 pm | George Washington Carver National Monument
Wildcat Glades Nature Group will have a booth led by our volunteers at George Washington Carver National Monument’s annual Prairie Day. The booth will highlight our efforts at Wildcat Park and beyond.
Yoga in Nature for Kids
September 9 | 10:15 to 10:45 am | For ages 4 and older, accompanied by an adult | Free class led by Peaceful Yoga | Wildcat Park Pavilion
Led by Amanda, a registered yoga teacher, this class is designed to incorporate elements of nature, breathing, and yoga poses specifically for kids. Bring your yoga mat or a towel and a reusable water bottle for this beginner’s class. Yoga is a beneficial exercise for children’s health and even better when it can be done outdoors.
Participants must be pre-registered. Please sign up on our Signup Genius or email maddie@wildcatglades.org.
Preschool Connections: Raccoons and Ripe Corn
September 13 @ 10:00–11:00 am | September 16 @ 1:00–2:00 pm | For kids ages three to seven | Free class sponsored by Calvin Cassady | Wildcat Glades Education Cottage
Join us as we follow a raccoon mother and her kits, along with a caterpillar, a spider, owls and other birds, a mouse, and deer in a cornfield and woodland setting as they feast on the farmer’s corn. We will read Raccoons and Ripe Corn, play a toss game, make a craft, and learn more about raccoons.
You must pre-register to attend by signing up on our Signup Genius or emailing maddie@wildcatglades.org.
Monarch Festival
September 16 | 10:00 am to 2:00 pm | Shoal Creek Conservation Education Center
Wildcat Glades Nature Group will have a booth at the Monarch Festival this year! This event will include information about pollinators and native plants, as well as a native plant sale.
Nature Explorers: World of Wetlands at Cardinal Valley
September 23 | 10:00 am to 12:00 pm | For ages seven to 14 | Held at Cardinal Valley | Sponsored by the Corley Foundation
Wetlands are one of the most important types of habitats for a wide diversity of plants and animals. Wetlands have been historically misunderstood, but today, the value of these habitat is being recognized more. There is a very important wetland in Webb City, called Cardinal Valley. There, over 220 bird species have been documented at this crucial habitat. Join us onsite to learn more about wetlands and the history of Cardinal Valley.
Please reserve your spot on our Signup Genius or by emailing maddie@wildcatglades.org.
About Wildcat Glades Nature Group:
The Wildcat Glades Nature Group is dedicated to protecting the area known as Wildcat Park and the surrounding chert glade environment, habitat, and wildlife by promoting awareness and sustainability, providing education and recreation space and programs, and sponsoring nature-based activities.
Robin Standridge, Executive Director
Wildcat Glades Nature Group
417.708.7713 or 417.629.3434, ext. 4540
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