This month, Joplin Little Theatre (JLT) has information on their 2023 Summer Workshops as well as updated details about their season subscriptions. Find all the details for their events below!
Upcoming Children’s Theater Workshop
If you have kiddos who are interested in acting, consider signing them up for JLT’s summer Children’s Theater Workshop! Registration is open online and at the JLT box office. Angel Guild Scholarships are available; please call the JLT box office for more information at 417.623.3638. The cost to attend is $70 per child. Each week has two themes, which include the following:
Week 1: Game Night (register by July 6)
Held from July 10 – 14, 2023, this week focuses on Monopoly, a board game that can be dangerous to play if you have brothers or sisters. One tip of the kitchen table can send pieces flying, never to be found again. After a family game night goes mildly violent, the board games are left to pick up the pieces…literally!
Week 2: Summer Camp Gone Wrong (register by July 13)
The second week of the workshop will run from July 17 – 21 and will feature the theme of summer camp. Ah, summer camp. Bug bites, bad food, and making life-long friends. But so many things can go wrong! The counselors want campers to put on a talent show, and the neighboring camp keeps sabotaging things. And one group of campers is just at camp to hunt for Sasquatch. Join us at Camp Wannagohome and see how summer camp goes wrong!
Season Subscriptions
JLT season subscriptions will be available soon! JLT will be mailing out subscription forms soon. Those with 2022–2023 subscriptions will be given the opportunity to renew their subscriptions first. Those wishing to renew their subscriptions will need to submit the form by mail or call the box office. Preferences will be guaranteed until July 19 and online renewals will not be available until July 20.
The general public will be able to purchase season subscriptions in July by visiting JLT’s website or calling the JLT office. Prices are as follows:
- Adult Subscriptions – $75
- Senior Subscriptions – $65
- Student Subscriptions – $65
Find out more about JLT’s upcoming season here.
Interested in Becoming Part of JLT?
If you’re interested in signing up to be involved with JLT, now is your chance! They are seeking ushers, house managers, and box office helpers.
Those interested should call JLT at 417.623.3638 for more information and to sign up.
Contacting Us
The JLT office has regular office hours each week, Monday through Thursday, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. If no one answers the phone, please leave a message and your call will be returned.
Joplin Little Theatre
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