(Joplin, MO) – The Joplin Celebrations Commission is planning a city-wide Iris Gardens Tour for May 13, 2023, as an official event for Joplin’s 150th birthday celebrations.
The iris is the official City Flower. A map is being developed to show locations of irises that can be seen throughout the city.
If you have irises you would like to show off, and are visible from the street or sidewalk, and you are willing to allow your home or business address to be included on a tour map, please email your address to info@celebrate joplin.com as well as a brief description of the garden location.
The self-paced tour will be held the Saturday of Mother’s Day weekend from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm and will start at the Joplin History & Mineral Museum.
Patrick Tuttle
Joplin Celebrations Commissions
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