The Arc of the Ozarks would like to thank all of their sponsors and auction donors who have already committed to being part of their 2022 Christmas Extravaganza, benefiting Children’s Autism Services.
But they still need your help! There are sponsorship opportunities still available, and they are in need of more auction items to help make this event an even bigger success. If you haven’t donated towards their auction yet or become a sponsor, there is still time. They would like to have all auction items confirmed by November 23 and sponsors confirmed by November 25. Anything that the business community can offer is greatly appreciated!
To become an auction donor or sponsor, please email Karren Burnell Ruff at kruff@thearcoftheozarks.org or call 417.771.3698.
With your help, Arc of the Ozarks can make the 28th Christmas Extravaganza the best one yet!
To reserve your seats or learn more about the event, click here.
The Arc of the Ozarks
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