One of the most important tasks before the General Assembly this session is to draw our state’s new congressional districts to correspond with the data from the 2020 Census. Due to the complexity of this issue and the misinformation being disseminated, I will provide a separate update next week regarding the drawing of the Missouri congressional maps.
Gaining Traction After Snow Days
The Missouri Senate postponed part of its legislative activities last week ahead of our state’s first major winter storm this year. Before we adjourned, I was able to present Senate Bill 883 to the Senate Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee. This legislation aims to codify the Office of Administration’s current practice regarding the procurement of bonds or insurance policies from the State Legal Expense Fund. Provisions of this statutory “clean-up bill” have been filed for almost 10 years, so I hope we can finally get this straightforward measure across the finish line this session.
Senior Service Award Nominations Accepted through March 15
Consider nominating a deserving senior citizen who is over 60 and has volunteered a minimum of 25 hours in your community for the prestigious 2022 Lieutenant Governor’s Senior Service Award. We have many service-oriented seniors in our community, so this is a great way to show our appreciation for their hard work.
Public Service Announcement for Emergency Prepardness
On February 9, I was honored to record a public service announcement on the topic of emergency preparedness for the Missouri Cable Telecommunications Association, the voice for our state’s television and internet industry. If you don’t see the ad, please heed its advice to develop an emergency action plan and get inside, stay inside and stay tuned if an emergency siren sounds.
Joplin Public Library Shares Year-End Report
In honor of Library Advocacy Day, held virtually on February 8, Joplin Public Library Director Jeana Gockley shared a great infographic to highlight the outcomes and outreach achieved in the past year. The image below captures her quote perfectly, “Libraries are so much more than books!”
Local Advocates Rally at Capitol for Various Legislative Days
Throughout the month of February, multiple school groups and associations host annual advocacy days at the State Capitol. Below are a few advocates from our community who were in Jefferson City to discuss important issues pertaining to their organization.
Will Lynch, the prosecutor for Newton County, updates Sen. White on county-level issues.
Jasper County recorder of deeds, Charlotte Pickering, shares insights with Sen. White.
Supporters of substance use recovery were also at the Capitol on February 8. Representatives from the Missouri Coalition of Recovery Support Providers shared their faith-based approach to help those struggling with a substance use disorder recover and get back on their feet. I enjoyed a brief visit with Carl Perkins, the program director at Ascent Recovery Residences in Joplin, who explained the mission and classes offered by Joplin’s Recovery Outreach Community Center.
Carl Perkins explains recovery support services to Senator White.
February 9 was the 2022 Missouri State FFA Legislative Day at the Capitol. Vanessa Enslow, who serves as a state vice president and member of Neosho’s FFA, received a resolution for her leadership in the local chapter and statewide organization.
Vanessa Enslow visits with Senator White during the annual FFA Legislative Day.
On Feb. 9, several students from our community attended the Missouri Association for Career and Technical Education’s (MOACTE) Legislative Day. Carthage Technical Center was one of the groups that traveled to Jefferson City for the occasion.
Senator White joins instructors and students from Carthage Technical Center.
Another group visiting the State Capitol was students and faculty from East Newton High School in Granby, who enjoyed a trip to the top of the dome and the opportunity to have their 2022 Career and Technical Education Month proclamation signed by the governor.
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