(Joplin, MO) – The Joplin Area Transportation Study Organization (JATSO) is seeking a seven-day public comment period for an amendment to the 2020-2023 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The TIP contains transportation and transit projects in the Joplin Metropolitan Area that are partially funded by Federal transportation programs over the next four-year period.
The proposed TIP amendment contains one new projects and one amended project from the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT). The proposed amendment can be viewed on the JATSO website, here.
The public comment period for this amendment is open from 8:00 am on Tuesday, August 3, 2021 to 5:00 pm on Tuesday, August 10, 2021. Comments may be submitted to Taylor Cunningham by email at tcunning@joplinmo.org or by phone at 417.624.0820, ext. 1514.
This public notice, public involvement activities, and time established for public review and comments on the TIP will satisfy the FTA Section 5307 Program of Projects requirements for Metro Area Public Transit System (MAPS).
NOTE: If you are in need of disability related auxiliary aids or services, contact the City of Joplin’s ADA Coordinator at 624-0820, Ext. 210, or the City Clerk’s Office at 624-0820, Ext. 220. Kindly give us forty-eight (48) hours notice to arrange for the aids or services. TTD Number (417) 625-4774. Interpreter services are also available if requested at least seven calendar days in advance of the meeting. Servicios de interpretación están disponibles si se piden al menos 7 días antes de la reunión.
Taylor Cunningham, Assistant to the City Manager
City of Joplin
417.624.0820, ext. 1514
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