(Joplin, MO) – Freeman Health System’s COVID-19 unit patients are getting Hope Puppies and Faith Bunnies thanks to a donation of 70 stuffed animals from Precious Moments.
The 60 Hope stuffed puppies are for patients to “hold onto hope.” The 10 Faith stuffed bunnies are for patients to “hold onto faith.”
Precious Moments is providing a little light during these dark times, and Freeman thanks them for bringing a special light to our COVID patients!
Pictured above is ICU COVID-19 patient Billie Ellick from Quapaw, Oklahoma with his Hope puppy, waving in gratitude for this joyful gift. The other photo shows the donation by Precious Moments staff.
The stuffed animals are going to patients in both the ICU COVID unit and the medical COVID unit.
Lisa Olliges, Marketing and Media Relations Coordinator
Freeman Health System
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