(Neosho, MO) – Stay up to date on news from Crowder College and know what’s happening on and off campus!
- Enrollment in second eight-week classes is still open. Check out the available courses here and contact Admissions or your advisor to begin enrolling today!
- Phi Theta Kappa’s (PTK) new member induction will be held on February 7 at 2:00 pm in the Wright Conference Center. PTK members are eligible for transfer scholarships to many other universities.
Campus Events & Community Education (Neosho location unless otherwise noted)
- Campus Life has several events planned for this month! All events are free to students and will be held in the Student Center on the Neosho campus unless noted otherwise. Those with questions about Campus Life should call 417.455.5644. The events scheduled are as follows:
- Hot Chocolate Bar – January 12, 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
- Bingo Bash – January 12, 6:00 to 7:30 pm
- Movie Night – January 12, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
- Bowling at Edgewood Bowl – January 19, 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
- Pizza Palooza – January 20, 12:00 pm
- The Joplin Regional Artists Coalition’s (JRAC) exhibit “Renewal” will be held from November 18 through January 27. Museum hours are 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday. The museum is closed on weekends and holidays.
- The Crowder Quill literary/art contest is open for entries in poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art, and photography. This year, the Quill has a special theme in conjunction with the Theatre Department at Crowder College regarding quarantine and current events. Although all entries are welcome, those following the theme will have additional opportunities to be performed and highlighted during the April theatre production on campus, in addition to the awards ceremony in May. The contest deadline is February 1. See more details at crowderquill.com.
- The Engineering Day competition for area high school students will be held on March 3. For complete details and registration information, visit crowder.edu/engineering-day.
Training & Development Solutions (TDS) for Business
- Current, available training opportunities include Forklift Training, Hazwoper 8-Hour Refresher, and Industrial Maintenance. We can always customize our sessions to meet your company’s needs. Check out the training schedule today!
Human Resources
- Great job openings are available at Crowder College. Check out our website for opportunities: crowder.edu/employment.
Crowder College is an equal opportunity employer and provider of employment and training services. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Missouri relay 711.
Public Information Office
Crowder College
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