Do you have a tech idea you’d like to pursue in 2024? Test the potential of your idea alongside other aspiring entrepreneurs in Bounce My Big Idea (BMBI), a four-week workshop designed and delivered by the seasoned tech entrepreneurs of Codefi, supported by Innovate SOMO.
BMBI is 100% virtual with live workshops, personalized coaching and feedback, and step-by-step activities to move you toward the right idea for a successful business.
Who Is BMBI for?
- Industry experts and business professionals who understand problems in their industries really well.
- Existing founders, early in the process of building out a tech solution.
- People in smaller metros who are searching for resources and support for their tech idea.
- People with tech ideas.
- You don’t have to have a tech background or know how to code to join BMBI!
Applications are now open for two upcoming cohorts starting in January and February with deadlines fast approaching! Learn more and apply here.
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