Apex Title to Host Grand Opening on October 3

Apex Title is thrilled to invite the community and Chamber members to the grand opening of their Joplin office, your new premier resource for title services!

Join them on Thursday, October 3 from 4:00 to 6:00 pm for an exciting evening of celebration, networking, and fun. They’ll have a ribbon cutting with the Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce, an open bar, a delicious charcuterie spread, and fantastic giveaways throughout the evening. This is the perfect opportunity to check out their luxurious new office space and connect with real estate professionals in the area.

Stop by at 1818 E. 4th Street. join the celebration, and find out how Apex Title can be your go-to partner for title services in Joplin!

About Apex Title:

Apex Title and Closing Services, LLC has a team of professionals offering streamlined closings and excellent services to ensure your title and escrow transactions are a success. We have developed a reputation where our seasoned professionals provide a quality real estate transaction. With Title and Escrow Officers combining over 250 years of experience, we have built a reputation based on knowledge of the market and great customer service.


Ashley Jacobs, Business Development
Apex Title

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