Joplin Schools‘ Parents as Teachers (PAT) is excited to announce their Fall into Reading Literacy Event will be held on Thursday, October 10 from 4:30 to 6:30 pm at the Joplin Early Childhood Center’s (JEC) parking lot, weather permitting.
PAT will be passing out candy to the littles who come through and is currently accepting candy donations from businesses and individuals. Non-candy options are also welcome, such as stickers, pencils, etc. If you have donations, please contact Kerri at kerriclouse@joplinschools.org or text 417.355.5240 to schedule a pick-up time. All JEC preschool students are invited, so donations for 500 to 600 students would be appreciated.
PAT will also host a Literacy Night earlier in the month with a theme similar to trunk-or-treat, where every trunk/table will be decorated as a children’s book and offer an activity/craft that matches the theme of the book. There will be guest readers, activities, crafts, sacks, and a book swap and giveaway. Stay tuned for details!
Kerri Clouse, Parents as Teachers Program Coordinator
Joplin Schools
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