BBB Business Tip: Eight Ways to Make Strong Industry Connections

A spider web, with its intricate structure fanning out from a single connection point, is beautiful. If you’re a business owner, that design is relevant, especially regarding relationships. The nexus of your web is the hub of your operation, and every offshoot represents a part of your network.

Building and maintaining strong relationships is the silk you’re spinning here. And you’re not doing it alone. All businesses are forging relationships with vendors, investors, employees, and partners. (Even if you’re running a small business by yourself, you’re still building relationships with customers.)

Why are connections important in business? They’re the threads holding everything together. The more relationships you have, the more intricate your network becomes.

The trick is to build something that lasts. That means creating relationships and strengthening them by honoring your commitment to others in everything you do. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) are eight business networking tips to accomplish exactly that. Read them all here.

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