Rapha International’s June 2024 Update

Learn more about Rapha International’s important work that’s taking place around the world with updates from their latest e-newsletter. Find out more below.

Thailand Expansion – TTF Protection Center

This summer the TTF Protection Center, sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation, will open on Rapha’s Survivor Care campus in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

The TTF Protection Center will serve the most vulnerable survivors in Rapha’s Survivor Care program. The Thai government requires that girls who have open court cases be separated from other girls in the program. They also require that those girls have only limited and monitored contact with the outside world, for their own protection. The TTF Protection Center will be a special campus for those most vulnerable children to live and receive care and treatment.

The cottages on the new campus will be clean, bright, and comfortable — perfect for young girls in need of healing and hope. An Education Center and a Counseling Center on the campus will provide safe and child-friendly settings for girls recovering from trauma and beginning to plan for their futures in sustainable freedom.

We are excited to share more updates with you along the way!

Learn how you can support Rapha’s work in Thailand here.

Therapy Services Extended to Prevention Clients in Cambodia

In May, Rapha began offering outpatient mental health counseling for parents and family members of children in the Prevention program in Battambang, Cambodia. These parents and caregivers were screened by a partner organization — EMDR Cambodia — and found to have significant symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, and depression.

Counselors at Rapha are coming alongside these families to provide support and guidance and to tackle difficult family issues together. Grief over the loss of a loved one, trauma from childhood abuse or domestic violence, drug and alcohol use in the family — these are all issues that parents and caregivers are working hard to cope with and heal from with the support of Rapha’s counselors.

Helping parents heal from trauma and cope with difficult emotions makes them safer caregivers for their children and stronger advocates for their community.

Creating Safe Spaces in “The Most Dangerous Place on Earth”

In 2004, the United Nations called Cité Soleil, a densely populated area of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, “the most dangerous place on earth.” Extreme poverty, social unrest, and violent gang wars in Cité Soleil have only escalated since then. Women and children in the area are highly vulnerable to gang violence, gender-based and domestic violence, as well as sexual violence, exploitation, and assault.

Rapha is working to create safe spaces and stable relationships in Cité Soleil, where vulnerable women and girls can find opportunities for healing and protection. In low-profile locations throughout the area, Rapha’s counselors and social workers meet with individuals to screen them for signs of trauma or recent victimization. They offer mental health counseling and social support to these women and girls who are living in unimaginable circumstances. Rapha’s staff also offer support income-generating activities that can bring some stability to families in crisis.

Every day, Rapha’s dedicated staff members enter the most dangerous place on earth to bring opportunities for healing, hope, and freedom to women and children.

Freedom Kids Available Now

We are excited to offer this free resource for you or your church! Freedom Kids is a curriculum with messaging, graphics, videos, and activities to help you share about Rapha International with your children or student ministries.

Freedom Kids is designed to empower kids and students to show radical generosity in ways that are unique to them by partnering with Rapha International.

Meet Rapha Intern, Britni Addington

Britni is a long-time Rapha advocate and attended an awareness trip in 2019 after hosting a 27-hour prayer vigil for survivors of trafficking as a teenager.

This summer she will spend the entire month of June sharing about Rapha with kids, teens, and adults at Prairieview Christian Camp in Kansas. Please pray for her and the awareness she will bring. We are incredibly grateful for her willingness to advocate for child survivors.

Pray for Haiti

Please pray for the ongoing crisis in Haiti. To learn more, please click here.

Pray for safe travels, rest, and encouragement during a retreat in Cambodia this month.

Pray for the hundreds of kids and students who will learn about Rapha International for the first time this summer through Freedom Kids.

Pray for the Better Together conference happening in Nashville, Tennessee on June 13 to 15, hosted by the Haiti Family Care Network. Pray for those working with people in Haiti to be encouraged and to learn more about how to protect children and their families.

If you would like to join Rapha in prayer to combat human trafficking, please click here.

About Rapha International:

The mission of Rapha International is to end the trafficking, exploitation, and abuse of children, one child at a time, through aftercare for survivors, prevention for the vulnerable, and engagement for everyone.


Rapha International

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