Missouri Southern State University (MSSU) is excited to announce Lions Forward, the campaign for Missouri Southern! This comprehensive fundraising campaign will transform MSSU by addressing three strategic areas and seven campaign priorities:
- Enhancing Student Experience
- Student scholarships
- Student Success Center
- Billingsly Student Center’s Activity Center
- Athletic Excellence Fund
- Fostering Academic Excellence
- Immersive learning opportunities
- Academic excellence
- Building the Campus of the Future
- Health Science Innovation Center
The campaign goal was just announced and it is ambitious. Their goal is to raise $42.7 million by June 30, 2027!
Throughout the silent phase of the campaign beginning in 2022, private donors have already committed over $30 million to these priorities. So, while the campaign is off to a great start, MSSU will still need philanthropic support from their alumni and friends to reach their goal over the next three academic years.
To learn more about Lions Forward, visit the campaign website here. You can also hear what inspired four donors to make commitments to Lions Forward by watching the video above.
The results of the Lions Forward campaign will be felt for decades. Achieving the campaign goal will benefit MSSU students today and well in the future.
Lions Forward!
Missouri Southern State University
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