Joplin Public Library (JPL) has a full month of programming and events lined up for December! A few of them include:
- Adult Winter Reading Challenge (December 1 – January 31)
- Harry Potter Day (December 7)
- Joplin Chess Club Quick Tournament (December 9)
- Post Art Library Holiday Tea (December 9)
View JPL’s online calendar to see a full list of their events, and read highlights from their newsletter below.
Please note that the Library will be closed December 24–26 for Christmas and January 1 for New Years Day.
Adult Winter Reaching Challenge
JPL’s Winter Reading Challenge for Adults is perfect for cold days indoors, getting a jump on New Year’s Resolutions, or simply enjoying books! The challenge is to complete five of the 15 reading categories. Participants choose which five categories to complete and what books to read. Book titles may only be used once. Complete the challenge to win a ceramic mug and to enter a raffle for a gift card to Target, Vintage Stock, or Always Buy Books! You can participate on paper or electronically.
To participate on paper, print out the challenge form here, or stop by the Library’s Reference Department to pick up a copy. To participate electronically on Beanstack, click here.
The challenge began on December 1 and ends on January 31! The raffle drawing for gift cards will take place on February 1 and winners will contacted the same day.
Happy reading!
Resource Spotlight
The Library’s greatest resource is their staff, and they’ve had another great year serving the community because of their dedication to service. They recently held a library-wide staff day, focusing on training and team building to make the coming year even better!
Their statistics for the year reflect their great staff, exciting new collections and programs, and the continued interest in the Library as an important community resource. Thank you to the Library staff and to each of JPL’s patrons for helping make this year the best on yet!
Harry Potter Day at JPL
Harry Potter Day is back by popular demand! December is a month for all things magic, and sometimes Santa needs a break before the big day. So, come in to the Library and experience all things Harry Potter on Thursday, December 7 from 2:00 to 6:00 pm.
Children, teens, and adults are all welcome to participant in House sortings, wand making, Horcrux hunting, and more! Dress in costume or come as you are. No Library card is required for entry.
In the true spirit of the season, make Dobby a free elf by bringing new or gently used clothing (hats, coats, scarves, etc.) to donate in benefit of The Next Step, Joplin.
From the Post Reading Room
2023 Post Art Library Holiday Tea
Join the Post Reading Room inside Joplin Public Library for the 9th Annual Post Art Library Holiday Tea! This year’s event features a holiday piano performance by Susan Spracklen Cordell, a kids’ coloring table, and holiday tea and treats. This event is free and open to the public, and all ages welcome.
Susan Spracklen Cordell is a Joplin native who studied classical piano with the late Marie Guengerich for many years. Susan started playing ragtime piano at age 14 and has appeared in ragtime festivals and concerts in the US and Europe, including the Joplin Sesquicentennial Percy Wenrich Ragtime Tribute. She’s recorded ragtime CDs both solo and with her brother, Steve Spracklen. Susan enjoys piano music of all kinds, especially Christmas songs.
The annual Post Art Library Holiday Tea event is our way of thanking the community of Joplin for their support throughout the year while sharing Dr. and Mrs. Post’s enthusiasm for Joplin arts and culture and the holiday season.
Find our event on Facebook! Still have questions? Contact Jill at 417.623.7953, ext. 1041.
About Joplin Public Library:
Since 1902, JPL has been fulfilling the information needs of citizens of Joplin and the surrounding community. JPL opens tomorrow’s doors today through diverse opportunities to learn, create, explore, and have fun.
Joplin Public Library
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