(Joplin, MO) – Joplin Public Library is excited to close out the 2023 Summer Reading Program with an all-ages ending celebration on July 22 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm! As the eight-week reading challenge comes to an end, participants and community members are invited to come together to celebrate all of their hard work.
This event will include karaoke, music, snacks, life-sized games, music and crafts. No Library card is required to attend the event, and it is open to everyone, regardless of where you live. Participation in the reading challenge is not mandatory to attend.
Thus far, 1,298 participants have read 444,976 minutes, and there is still time to log your reading accomplishments. The reading challenge will officially conclude on Sunday, July 23, though the ending celebration will serve as an opportunity to turn in any remaining reading logs.
The Summer Reading Program is supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act administered by the Missouri State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State.
You may find out more information by visiting the Library’s website, by following the their social media pages, by calling them at 417.623.7953, or by visiting the Library in person.
About Joplin Public Library:
Since 1902, JPL has been fulfilling the information needs of citizens of Joplin and the surrounding community. JPL opens tomorrow’s doors today through diverse opportunities to learn, create, explore, and have fun.
Lori Crockett, PR/Marketing Assistant
Joplin Public Library
417.623.7953, ext. 1019
Christina Matekel-Gibson, Children’s Librarian
Joplin Public Library
417.623.7953, ext. 1038
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