Congratulations to all our members who recently celebrated their accomplishments with ribbon cuttings!
65 Prime Plus Mercy Clinic
Shanna Wilson
2216 East 32nd Street, Suite 102
Celebrating Their Grand Opening
Jasper County Courthouse
7th Street and Pearl Avenue
Celebrating Their Open House
Cup O Joe
Dustin Drilling, Owner
901 South Maiden Lane
New Member, New Business
Trackside Burgers
Mickel Clark, Owner
1515 West 10th Street
Celebrating Their New Location
Dover Hill Elementary School
Dr. Kerry Sachetta, Superintendent
1100 North Main Street
Celebrating Their Grand Opening
Ajinomoto Foods North America, Inc.
Donell Kroutil, Human Resources Manager
3131 Quail Avenue
Celebrating Their New Product Line
Towner Studios
Makala Towner, Owner
1027 South Main Street, Suite 404
Celebrating Their Name Change
Joplin Transmission & Auto Center
Andy and Angie Johnson, Owners
2620 East 7th Street
Celebrating Their 20-Year Anniversary
Downtown Joplin Alliance
Lori Haun, Executive Director
931 East 4th Street
Celebrating the Empire Market Kitchen Grand Opening
Thank you to our presenting sponsor, Southwest Missouri Bank, and to Countryside in the City for providing our ribbon.
To schedule a ribbon cutting or inquire about becoming an ambassador, please call or email Stephanie, 417.624.4150 or stephanie@joplincc.com.
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