Congratulations to all our members who recently celebrated their accomplishments with ribbon cuttings!
Joplin Area Habitat for Humanity
Scott Clayton, Executive Director
510 Gray Avenue
Celebrating a New Home Dedication
Joplin Area Habitat for Humanity
Scott Clayton, Executive Director
309 Conmingo Avenue
Celebrating a New Home Dedication
Sleep Inn & Suites
Anthea Harbin, General Manager
221 South East Street, Webb City
New Member, New Business
Green Light Dispensary
Allan West, General Manager
1729 East 7th Street
New Member, New Business
Thank you to our presenting sponsor Southwest Missouri Bank. Thank you to Countryside in the City for providing our ribbon.
To schedule a ribbon cutting or inquire about becoming an ambassador, please call or email Stephanie, 417.624.4150 or stephanie@joplincc.com.
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