Written by Davida Turley of Storm Cloud Marketing
From the outside looking in, the words “creativity” and “data” may appear to be at different ends of the same spectrum. But, in marketing, they are more closely tied together than one might think.
What is “creativity” as it relates to marketing? A well-composed design? A sharp new commercial? A catchy display ad? These come to mind immediately when you think of creativity. But they are merely the design – end-products that the consumer experiences.
Creativity in marketing is the generation and execution of unique ideas that lead to those original, stand-out end-products. The process needs to begin and evolve with – you guessed it – data! While creativity fuels the ship, data steers it.
Here at Storm Cloud Marketing, we think of marketing as problem-solving. When our customers have problems or needs, we find creative solutions that get customers to engage. You need both design and data to solve these problems.
Design and data cannot be isolated from one another in marketing. Both are parts of the creative process. Data inspires, directs, enforces, and evolves creative ideas. The end design gets the customer to engage, but data analysis directs your creative effort.
So, how do you use data to steer the marketing ship? Find out in a new blog post from the team at Storm Cloud Marketing, here.
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