Connect2Culture says it was a tough decision to postpone the first performance of JOMO Jammin’ In July featuring Lem Sheppard and JOMO Jazz due to severe weather.
Fortunately, both artists are willing to reschedule for Saturday, August 14th! Mark your calendars and we’ll see you there. Hopefully Mother Nature will “get with the program” for our remaining performances. Rain dates of August 7 and 14 are available should we need them.
For now, the following performance schedule remains the same throughout the rest of the month:
Saturday July 17 | Indie Rock
Fox Royale (7:00 – 7:45 pm): Fox Royale makes anthemic, jangly indie rock that sparkles with the same energy as acts like Cage the Elephant and Vampire Weekend. Before they were in a rock band, the members of Fox Royale were in a traveling orchestra. The band was born when high school friends Nathan Hurley, Davis Drake, and Evan Todd along with Nathan’s younger brother, Caleb, began jamming in their parents’ homes. Eventually, they thought “Hey, let’s try a little harder at this.” The band then began touring extensively for three years and eventually earned a stage in front of War Road music management, who gave them their first record deal. Fox Royale has since put out two singles with another on the way.
Me Like Bees (8:00 – 8:45 pm): Me Like Bees is an indie rock band from Joplin, Missouri. In 2013, the band emerged on the music scene with the release of their first full-length album, The Ides, and their performance in the Ernie Ball Music Man Battle of the Bands. After surpassing 20,000 opposing bands and winning the final round of the competition in 2014, Me Like Bees rose to further prominence. Having toured with Never Shout Never and released award-winning albums and singles, they are recognized as some of Joplin’s most successful musicians. Come see for yourself how Me Like Bees has captured the admiration of fans across the nation!
Saturday, July 24 | Gospel, Soul, Classic Country
The Community Choir (7:00 – 7:45 pm): Made up of singers from both Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church and Unity Missionary Baptist Church, The Community Choir sings gospel music brimming with infectious joy and enthusiasm. Each member brings their individual voice, fusing their talents with the group to create exuberant, upbeat performances that are sure to inspire.
Mike Greenstreet Band (8:00 – 8:45 pm): Mike Greenstreet has been performing his special brand of gospel-country music since 2012 and is widely known for inspiring First Sunday Singing, a well-attended monthly gospel event held at Forest Park Church. Mike’s newest band is ready to take the stage and share their classic country tunes! In addition to Mike, the band consists of: Doug Cole (bass), Rick Bevenue (drums), Bob Durham (piano), Mike McGee (steel guitar), Johnny Rose (lead guitar), Jon Harden (fiddle), and Gayle O’Neal (backup vocals).
Saturday, July 31 | Bluegrass
ROUTE 3 (7:00 – 7:45 pm): ROUTE 3 is a bluegrass band based out of southwest Missouri and northwest Arkansas. With a traditional sound, original compositions, and great instrumentation, they bring a hard-driving bluegrass style to every performance. Members Jason Jordan (guitar), Doug Clifton (bass), Gaylon Harper (banjo), and Roy Bond (mandolin) create a distinctive and passionate sound that earned them the title of 2020 Arkansas Country Music Awards’ Bluegrass Artist of the Year.
Borderline Bluegrass (8:00 – 8:45 pm): Tight three-part harmonies, hot pickin’, and a high energy stage show. These are the hallmarks of Borderline Bluegrass. Based in southwest Missouri, this four-piece bluegrass band has been entertaining audiences across the country for the last seven years. From an early age Julie Harden (bass), Ty Dawson (guitar), Daniel Shilling (banjo), and Jon Harden (fiddle) all played music in family bands, at music halls, festivals, and hootenannies. Their musical influences are diverse — country, gospel, jazz, rock, and of course, hard-driving bluegrass — but have all come together to create the sound of Borderline Bluegrass. From regional festivals to their debut at the world-famous Station Inn in Nashville, Tennessee, the band is continuously gaining momentum and building their ever-growing fan base — and you’re invited to join the fun.
This is a BYOC (bring-your-own-chair event). Seating is first-come, first-served. Free reservations can be made by completing this online form. Completion is not required for admission; however, it is appreciated in helping C2C plan accordingly.
All in attendance are asked to be mindful of current CDC guidance regarding COVID-19. Individuals who have not yet been vaccinated or otherwise desire to are welcome to wear masks. Social distancing between parties is strongly encouraged.
This performance is made possible by Freeman Health System, as well as the Missouri Arts Council, Harry M. Cornell, Jr., Dr. Lance and Sharon Beshore, Dr. Michael and Jeri Lynn Joseph, and others.
About Connect2Culture:
Connect2Culture (C2C) is a not-for-profit arts organization founded in 2009 to enhance community through culture. Unlike any organization in the Joplin area, C2C is a respected community arts agency, a champion of the Harry M. Cornell Arts & Entertainment Complex, and a performing arts presenter. C2C strives to expand audience and resources needed to “ignite a passion for the arts, culture, and entertainment” in the Joplin area.
Emily Frankoski
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