(Joplin, MO) – The Joplin Public Library is pleased to announce an expansion to their business hours. Starting the week of April 5, the Library will be opening at 9:00 am, Monday through Saturday. Hours of operation will be as follows:
- Monday – Friday, 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
- Saturday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (adjusted from 6:00 pm)
- Sunday, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
These changes are part of a continued effort to provide safe and healthy access to Library users, and the public at large, during the pandemic. Hours have been returning in increments since the Library reopened on June 8, 2020. Throughout that time, Library staff have been able to provide many of the original service offerings in creative and alternative ways.
Director of Joplin Public Library Jeana Gockley elaborates, “It is my pleasure to announce the return of our 9:00 am opening time. Many thanks to our dedicated users for their continued support of the Library. We hope the earlier opening time will allow more convenient access for our community members.”
When visiting the Library in person, facial coverings are still encouraged, and individuals are asked to abide by social distancing protocols. Curbside pickup is also available during all open hours and Library users can access the Library’s digital resources anytime by visiting joplinpubliclibrary.org/online-resources-by-category.
For more information about the expanded hours, please contact Chelsey Gatewood or Jeana Gockley by phone at 417.623.7953 or email at cgatewood@joplinpubliclibrary.org or jgockley@joplinpubliclibrary.org.
Jeana Gockley, Director, or Chelsey Gatewood, Public Relations & Marketing Assistant
Joplin Public Library
jgockley@joplinpubliclibrary.org or cgatewood@joplinpubliclibrary.org
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