(Diamond, MO) – Following guidance from the White House, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and state and local public health authorities, George Washington Carver National Monument’s Prairie Day 2020 will not be held in person this year. It will be celebrated on the park’s social media platforms, with special features of pre-recorded cultural demonstrations and musical performances.
“While we regret not being able to host our most popular annual event live in the park this year, we think you will find this online version very engaging and educational. Life on the prairie during the time of Carver’s childhood is an amazing story of resilience and fortitude, and we are grateful to share it with you,” said Superintendent Jim Heaney.
Beginning Saturday, September 5, please tune in daily for a glimpse into what Prairie Day is all about. Park volunteers will demonstrate historic skills like soap making, blacksmithing, wool spinning, and rope making. There will also be music from past Prairie Day performers like Lemuel Sheppard, Ripplin’ Creek, Blackberry Winter Band, Vogts Sisters, Cecil Williams, Farnum Family, and Corbin/McAlister.
There will be photos from Prairie Days past and even a Junior Ranger scavenger hunt! Everyone will have the chance to earn the unique Prairie Day Junior Ranger badge. Once again, the talented members of the Volunteers in Parks program will make this a very special Prairie Day! The features will run on the park’s social media platforms, with two new posts daily through Prairie Day on September 12. And mark your calendar for next year’s Prairie Day, set for September 11, 2021.
This “Find Your Park” event invites the public to see that a national park can be more than a place – it can be a feeling, a state of mind, or a sense of American pride. Beyond vast landscapes, the campaign highlights historical, urban, and cultural parks as well as the National Park Service programs that protect, preserve, and share nature, culture, and history in communities nationwide.
Prairie Day is co-sponsored by the Carver Birthplace Association and the Joplin Convention & Visitors Bureau.
About the National Park Service:
More than 20,000 National Park Service employees care for America’s 419 national parks and work with communities across the nation to help preserve local history and create close-to-home recreational opportunities. Learn more at www.nps.gov and on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.
Randall Becker, Supervisory Park Ranger
George Washington Carver National Monument
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