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US Business

Singapore Police Bring First Charges Linked to Wirecard

Singapore police brought their first criminal charges against an individual linked to the suspected fraud at Wirecard AG, the one-time German technology star that collapsed at the end of June after admitting more than $2 billion of cash on its balance sheet was fake.


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US Business

Trump Executive Orders Target TikTok, WeChat Apps

President Trump issued a pair of executive orders imposing new limits on Chinese social-media apps TikTok and WeChat, escalating tensions with Beijing and effectively setting a 45-day deadline for an American company to purchase TikTok’s U.S. operations.


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US Business

Facebook, Twitter Take Down Trump Video

Facebook and Twitter removed a video posted by President Trump in which he said children are “almost immune” from Covid-19, a claim that the companies said ran afoul their rules against harmful misinformation about coronavirus.
