(Joplin, MO) – On August 3, 2021, Joplin citizens will vote on the question of renewing a ¼ -cent sales tax for parks projects and stormwater improvements. The question is titled “Proposition Renewal” because voters originally passed this ten-year sales tax in 2001 and supported its renewal in 2011. The 2011 renewal was for a ten-year period, which expires March 31, 2022. As a renewal, if passed, this ballot issue will not increase the sales tax. It would remain the same. The renewal of this sales tax will continue to provide funding to address water retention and flooding issues with stormwater improvements in the next ten years. These funds will also be used for Parks projects, including developing park destinations along with beautification of the existing Parks infrastructure. If approved, the sales tax will have a sunset date of March 31, 2032.
To help residents learn more about Proposition Renewal including how the funds have been used in the past and the projects proposed for this renewal, the City of Joplin staff has developed multiple pages under the Elections section on the City’s website. It can be found at www.joplinmo.org/elections. A listing and map of the Parks and Stormwater projects shows the project locations while individual pages outline the details of each proposed project. A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section offers information about how the projects were selected, and history of this ¼-cent sales tax.
In addition, viewers can read about other City initiatives and the City Council’s goals and vision for Joplin developed from the report of citizens comments gathered in the City Manager’s Listening Tour. These goals will require hard work and collaboration throughout the City organization along with our community. Listening to our citizens was the first step in this effort; now the City is asking citizens to stay engaged to help the community as a whole.
Citizens will be asked to go to the polls three times in the coming months to decide how Joplin moves forward. The webpage helps explain the different elections. Each ballot question will address an initiative to provide funding for specific projects for our community. Through the Elections webpage and other materials, the City will provide information explaining how the funding will be used in parks and stormwater projects, community betterment, social concern issues, Memorial Hall’s renovation, as well as job growth opportunities coupled with economic development for our own citizens and companies seeking a midwest community location.
The City appreciates our citizens’ time and attention to these matters and encourages them to review the website and materials mailed to them in the future. The City welcomes residents’ questions and would like to discuss these topics with organizations, groups, or citizens’ gatherings.
“This is an important time for voters as they help determine Joplin’s future. We want to ensure citizens have the information about the City’s vision and different ballot initiatives,” said City Manager Nick Edwards. “With several elections in the coming months, it’s important residents understand the issues and how the funds will be used if the proposals pass. The website is just one tool to get information to our citizens, and we are open to other opportunities that will help educate voters.”
Upcoming election information can be found at joplinmo.org/elections. If citizens have a group that they’d like to have someone speak about these topics, contact Lynn Onstot, Public Information Officer, at 417.624.0820, ext. 204 or lonstot@joplinmo.org.
Lynn Onstot, Public Information Officer
City of Joplin
417.624.0820, ext. 204
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