Rapha International’s September 2024 Update

Learn more about Rapha International’s important work that’s taking place around the world with updates from their latest e-newsletter. Find out more below.

Update from Cambodia Director, Theara Sath

Last month, Rapha held their mid-year management meeting in Battambang. Leaders from all three locations — Siem Reap, Phnom Penh, and Battambang — came together as one. In the span of three days, Rapha’s team was able to discuss the accomplishments and challenges that they encountered this year and their plans for the rest of the year, with the goal to create ways to provide better service to their clients, staff, and community.

It was a time of reflection and encouragement for the team and leaders who have dedicated time and energy into this work. Rapha is  grateful for each member of the Cambodian leadership team who shared their thoughts and evaluated how they can continue to serve each of their clients better.

They discussed 1 Corinthians 12 and the importance of unity within the body of Christ, as well as within the Rapha team. They were inspired and encouraged to work together more diligently with one goal and one mind, despite all of their members serving in different locations and having different responsibilities. We are one body in Christ!

Thank you for being a constant form of encouragement and pouring out the love of Christ for Rapha’s team in Cambodia. They are so grateful.

New Rapha Overview Video

Rapha is excited for you to see their newest video! This video is an incredible overview of Rapha’s work to share with anyone interested in learning more and partnering with them in combating trafficking! Be sure to check it out (it’s only a minute and a half!). 

Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report

The online version of the 2024 TIP Report is now available! The TIP Report provides up-to-date information about the intervention into human trafficking in every country in the world. The State Department also includes special content on emerging issues in human trafficking. For example, check out this Fact Sheet on the intersection of child marriage and human trafficking — an incredibly important issue facing vulnerable children around the world.

Pray for and with Rapha

Please pray for Rapha’s CEO, Stephanie Freed, and the team who are traveling in southeast Asia right now. Pray that they would be an encouragement to the Rapha staff and leaders there.

Please pray for the Rapha staff in Haiti to be encouraged and have spiritual renewal and energy to continue serving the children and families in their communities.

Please pray for the safety of Rapha’s team members who are traveling this fall to events. Pray that they would be encouraged by sharing with friends, partners, churches, an businesses about the work of Rapha.

If you would like to join Rapha in prayer to combat human trafficking, please click here.

Rapha’s Annual 2023 Report

Every year Rapha creates an Annual Report to share updates on their work in all four countries of service. This year, they are excited to report on 2023 — the celebration of 20 years of service in Cambodia and as an organization. Please check out this beautiful report! Don’t miss the last section, where staff members share their most memorable moments of service at Rapha.

Read the annual report here.

Back to School

During the month of August, Rapha asked friends, partners, and their supporters to help raise money to provide children with access to education. They reached their goal of raising over $4,000 for vulnerable children in Thailand. Thank you so much to everyone who contributed, shared posts, and liked Rapha’s content!

Spire Conference 2024 | Phoenix, AZ

Church staff and leaders — will you be at Spire in Phoenix, AZ this October 1-3? The Rapha team would love to connect with you while you are there. Be sure to stop by their booth, hear updates, and check out all the new resources they have available to churches!

Advocacy Handbook

Do you want to take the next step in fighting human trafficking? Then Rapha’s Advocacy Handbook is for you.

Read more and download the handbook here.

Digital Newsletter Download

Download a digital PDF of this newsletter here.

About Rapha International:

The mission of Rapha International is to end the trafficking, exploitation, and abuse of children, one child at a time, through aftercare for survivors, prevention for the vulnerable, and engagement for everyone.


Rapha International

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