The Missouri Council for Activity and Nutrition (MOCAN) is a partner-driven council housed in Columbia, Missouri with MU Extension and is composed of professionals across the state from diverse backgrounds, including educators, government officials, healthcare providers, nonprofit representatives, and others. Through statewide networking, organizations work together to implement and support policy changes that will improve the health and quality of life of Missourians.
The workplace is an important venue for addressing nutrition and physical activity issues. The WorkWell Missouri Toolkit was developed in 2017 to assist businesses in starting, adding to, or maintaining a wellness program for their staff. Unlike other resource kits, the focus is on reducing chronic disease risk factors, such as poor nutrition, inactivity, stress, and tobacco use. This is a step-by-step guide for employers to use in assessing their workplace, identifying types of programs to implement, implementing wellness programming, and determining effectiveness.
In 2018, the Missouri Workplace Wellness Award was developed. Employers that invest in creating a working environment that supports healthy behaviors are recognized based on criteria for their level of support: Gold, Silver and Bronze. Four-state area organizations recognized in July of 2019 with a WorkWell Award include Carl Junction School District, Employer Advantage, Freeman Health System, Missouri Southern State University, Modine Manufacturing, and Neosho School District. During the MOCAN 2020 Building a Healthy and Productive Missouri Workforce Conference, held virtually on July 16, 2020, the Jasper County Sheriff’s Office and Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences Joplin Campus also received a WorkWell Award.
If you are seriously interested in developing or enhancing your workplace wellness program, MOCAN is a great place to start. We host quarterly meetings in Joplin, and there is no fee to join. Learn more by visiting our MOCAN home page and select one or more of our six work groups to join.
Kris Drake RN, CHPD
Freeman Health System Wellness Coordinator
MOCAN Worksite Workgroup Chair
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