There will be a public meeting of the Joplin Area Transportation Study Organization (JATSO) Policy Board at 1:30 pm on Thursday, January 16,in the Joplin City Hall’s Fifth Floor Floor Study, 602 South Main Street, Joplin, Missouri. Items to be discussed include the MoDOT Statewide Pavement & Bridge Targets, Public JATSO Participation Plan Update, Metropolitan Transportation Plan and Transportation Improvement Plan updates, and the SS4A Safety Action Plan. You can view the meeting agenda on JATSO’s website.
The Metropolitan Transportation Plan outlines the transportation projects scheduled for the next 25–30 years and the Transportation Improvement Plan outlines the transportation projects scheduled for the next four years. The MoDOT Statewide Pavement & Bridge Targets are a list of performance measure targets reported in MoDOT’s 2024 Highway Safety Plan. The Public Participation Plan outlines JATSO’s procedure for engaging the public in the transportation planning process.
The public is encouraged to attend this meeting. If there are any questions pertaining to the items that will be discussed at the meeting, please contact Robert Lolley at 417.624,0820, ext. 1514 or by email at RLolley@joplinmo.org.
NOTE: If you are in need of disability related auxiliary aids or services, contact the City of Joplin’s ADA Coordinator at 417.624.0820, ext. 210, or the City Clerk’s Office at 417.624.0820, ext. 220. Kindly give us forty-eight (48) hours notice to arrange for the aids or services. TTD Number 417.625.4774. Interpreter services are also available if requested at least seven calendar days in advance of the meeting. Servicios de interpretación están disponibles si se piden al menos siete días antes de la reunión.
Robert Lolley
City of Joplin
417.624.0820, ext. 1514
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