(Joplin, MO) – With the Creative Learning Alliance’s (CLA) purchase of 300 S. Main Street complete, and a lead donor establishing their name to the building, the CLA now needs a fun, descriptive name for the science center that will engage families now and in the future. This critical project will ensure valuable, hands-on science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM) education and fun for the Joplin region. This is your chance to own a part of history with your name submission!
- December 1, 2023 – The contest opens, including rules and ways to submit.
- March 31, 2024 – The contest closes.
- June, 2024 – The CLA makes a final decision on the name.
- Summer 2024 – The new name for the science center will be unveiled.
Who Can Submit Names
- Students who are six years old and older (first grade and up) and who live in communities within a 75-mile radius of Joplin.
- Residents who live in communities within a 75-mile radius of Joplin.
- Businesses and organizations in communities within a 75-mile radius of Joplin.
Process Entry
Once the contest opens, eligible entries can be submitted online, via email, or through the mail. Please note that all emails and forms must be submitted prior to the deadline. Mail entries must be postmarked prior to the deadline of March 31, 2024.
Entry forms will be available online and paper copies may be obtained by request to neely@creativelearningalliance.org.
When proposing or considering a name, the following principles will be adhered to:
- A proposed name will only be considered if it does not include a proper name.
- A proposed name must be supported by the local community and reach beyond a single or special interest group.
- A commemorative name will not be used to commemorate victims or mark the location of accidents or tragedies.
- No culturally/religious/race/gender insensitive or profane names will be considered.
- The name must not be easily confused by other entities or create any type of brand confusion.
- The name may not be under copyright, trademark, or other legal restrictions.
Contest Rules
- Each person may submit up to two nominations via the official contest entry form.
- Nominations must be submitted by 11:59 pm (CTZ) on the closing date of the contest through the official online contest entry form.
- In the case of duplicate naming nominations, all nominations must include date and time submitted.
- Each nomination must include the proposed name, a one-line justification pitch (“this name would be great because…”), and the submitter’s name to verify eligibility. The submitter’s name(s) will be replaced by a number to ensure anonymous and objective voting by the selection panel.
- The entry form must include the submitter’s contact information.
- By submitting a proposed name, all participants are agreeing that if selected, their name and likeness may be used without compensation in connection with promoting the CLA an this naming opportunity.
Final Decision Authority Judging and Selection
Name selection will be conducted by a panel, which will review the names against the considerations mentioned above. A majority vote will decide. The panel will be made up of CLA Marketing Committee members and the CLA Board of Directors.
Winner Notification
The selected name will be announced in summer of 2024, with the person or group that submitted the selected name invited to attend the name announcement event in 2024. Additionally, the person or group who submitted the winning entry will receive a family membership (up to four people) for one year.
Legal Disclaimer
By participating, each contestant grants to CLA, and others acting on behalf of CLA, a perpetual royalty-free non-exclusive worldwide irrevocable license to use, copy for use, and display publicly all parts of the submission of the person or group submitting and an image of the person or a person representing the group. CLA will have the right to publicize Contestant’s name and likeness and, as applicable, the names of Contestant’s institution or organization following the conclusion of the contest. CLA will not reimburse contestants for any costs associated with preparing or submitting a contest entry. Participation in the contest is voluntary. This notice/contest and/or the information presented herein will not obligate CLA in any manner. CLA reserves the right to cancel, suspend, and/or modify this contest, or any part of it, for any reason, at the CLA’s sole discretion. CLA also reserves the right to modify any entry and/or use any portion of an entry and retains all rights and use of the name upon choosing. Please note that this contest is being held for non-monetary purposes and no additional financial benefits or compensation will be provided to participants. The contest is solely for the purpose of choosing a fun, descriptive name for the science center. By participating in this contest, you agree to these terms and understand that there will be no cash prizes or financial compensation awarded to winners or participants.
About The Creative Learning Alliance:
The Creative Learning Alliance is a hands-on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) based attraction that exercises curiosity, promotes exploration, and develops imagination for people of all ages through interactivity. The nonprofit is run by a volunteer board of directors working to develop a new science center for the region. Find the Creative Learning Alliance at CreativeLearningAlliance.org or on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok @creativelearningalliance.
Neely Myers, Executive Director
Creative Learning Alliance
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