(Joplin, MO) – As the heat index increases to dangerously high levels, City of Joplin officials remind citizens to check on family members, neighbors, friends, and pets to ensure their environment is adequate to endure the hot conditions.
According to David Holden, Emergency Manager for Joplin and Jasper County, the area doesn’t typically see cooling centers open until temperatures reach 100 degrees or more for three consecutive days. With the forecast moving toward that possibility, Holden has noted that the City’s public areas are open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm starting Wednesday, June 28, through Friday, June 30. People are being asked to be respectful of others’ space and to please follow these guidelines while in the public facility or they will be asked to leave the place of business.
- Be courteous and quiet; it is a business setting and should not be interrupted.
- Stay within the designated area main lobby/first floor of City Hall.
- Laying on the floor or sleeping is not permitted.
- Charging of phones or other equipment is not allowed.
- Adhere to the operating hours of each facility.
Building options include:
- City Hall’s main first floor lobby (602 S. Main Street)
- The Joplin Health Department (321 E. 4th Street)
- Dr. Donald Clark Public Safety Center (303 E. 3rd Street)
- Joplin Athletic Center (3301 W. 1st Street)
“The City wants to be a good neighbor, and we allow access to our public space during normal business hours,” he said. “We also encourage our area houses of worship, clubs, civic organizations, coalition partners, and businesses to follow suit and open their public areas as well.”
Jasper County’s COAD (Community Organizations Active in Disasters) will help spread the word when shelters are warranted and will act as a common notification point via their Facebook page.
“It’s important for all of us to be good neighbors,” he said. “We should check on each other and offer what help we can for relief from the heat.”
Important tips to remember during heat waves include:
- Slow down: reduce, eliminate, or reschedule strenuous activities until the coolest time of the day. Children, seniors, and anyone with health problems should stay in the coolest available space, not necessarily indoors.
- Dress for the summer by wearing light, loose-fitting, light-colored clothing to reflect heat and sunlight.
- Eat light, cool, easy-to-digest foods such as fruit or salads. If you pack food, put it in a cooler or carry an ice pack. Don’t leave it sitting in the sun because meats and dairy products can spoil quickly in hot weather.
- Drink plenty of water (not very cold), non-alcoholic and decaffeinated fluids, even if you don’t feel thirsty. If you are on a fluid-restrictive diet or have a problem with fluid retention, consult a physician before increasing consumption of fluids.
- Use air conditioners and spend time in air-conditioned location such as malls or libraries.
- Use portable electric fans to exhaust hot air from rooms or draw in cooler air.
- Do not direct the flow of portable electric fans toward yourself when room temperature is hotter than 90°F. The dry blowing air will dehydrate you faster, endangering your health.
- Minimize direct exposure to the sun. Sunburn reduces your body’s ability to dissipate heat.
- Take a cool bath or shower.
- Do not take salt tablets unless specified by a physician.
- Check on older, sick, or frail people who may need help responding to the heat. Each year, dozens of children and untold numbers of pets left in parked vehicles die from hyperthermia. Keep your children, disabled adults, and pets safe during tumultuous heat waves.
- Don’t leave valuable electronic equipment, such as cell phones, sitting in hot cars.
- Make sure rooms are well vented if you are using volatile chemicals.
Also, pet owners are reminded to check on pets/companion animals to ensure they have cool water and shade during extreme heat temperatures.
Lynn Iliff Onstot, Public Information Officer
City of Joplin
417.624.0820, ext. 204
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