Crowder College’s Training & Development Solutions is offering a new training opportunity through a Mental Health First Aid course. With curriculum from the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, this course will help participants learn how to support their friends, family, and neighbors.
Join the more than 2.6 million First Aiders who have chosen to be the difference in their community. After this course, participants will be able to:
- Recognize common signs and symptoms of mental health challenges.
- Recognize common signs and symptoms of substance use challenges.
- Understand how to interact with an individual in crisis.
- Know how to connect a person with help.
- Use self-care tools and techniques.
Their will be an in-person training on October 14 at the Advanced Training & Technology Center. You can learn more and register for this class here.
Need something different?
If you don’t see a training that you need listed, please contact us at 800.783.8053 or TDS@crowder.edu to inquire how we can help!
For additional information or to register for a course, click the link that corresponds with each course. Course outlines are available upon request.
Crowder College Training & Development Solutions
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