Are you a caregiver interested in having a safe haven to share your feelings? Would you like to make new friends, receive information about resources and coping mechanisms, and gain advice on what lies ahead? Do you need help dealing with family members? Then Freeman Health System’s Caregiver Support Group is a great place to start!
You will hear from guest speakers, learn about local resources, and connect with other caregivers from 10:30 am to 11:30 am on Thursday, March 25 at Freeman East’s conference room 1-3. Door prizes will be given out. This event is open to the public.
One of the keys to self-care and alleviating stress for caregivers is finding support from other caregivers, those you may already know, as well as new faces. The Freeman Caregiver Support Group will give you the opportunity to ask questions on the best ways to handle daily difficulties and also to learn that there are others in the same situation ready to give you a listening ear. Face-to-face support from someone who can walk alongside you and let you know you’re not alone can make all the difference!
Please RSVP to Kathy Mason, Freeman Community Health Worker by email at kdmason@freemanhealth.com or by calling 417.347.8463.
Kathy Mason, Freeman Community Health Worker
Freeman Health System
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