(Joplin, MO) – The Joplin Public Library (JPL) unveiled a new strategic plan on March 9, 2021 that will be effective through the year 2025. The new JPL Strategic Plan describes the Library’s mission, core values, and vision for future success while also identifying key result areas where JPL will direct its energy and resources over the next several years.
The new Strategic Plan also outlines five organizational goals in the areas of Service, Awareness, Outreach, Inclusion, and Enrichment. The Library has already begun implementing these goals. For example, Library staff began to explore awareness and enrichment initiatives by offering fun and educational take-home kits for all ages, and created email and social media campaigns highlighting Library card benefits and availability details.
Some of the key deliverables outlined in the plan include:
- Streamlining internal processes to allow ease of access for Library users;
- More fully welcoming new Library cardholders;
- Evaluating and updating current signage and other wayfinding material;
- Creating partnerships with local businesses and organizations;
- Encouraging people to share stories of their Library experiences; and
- Ensuring the Library has a broad range of materials available to fulfill most users’ needs.
At the heart of the strategic plan are the newly drafted vision and mission statements.
Vision Statement: Our Library is a welcoming community where learning and connection grow and lives are enriched.
Mission Statement: Our Library opens tomorrow’s doors today through diverse opportunities to learn, create, explore, and have fun.
“In creating the strategic plan, we closely considered our community and the role of the Library,” explains Joplin Public Library Director Jeana Gockley. “I thank the Library trustees, the Library staff, and consultant Terri Tucker for their work on this plan. It will play an integral role in helping the community.”
JPL views strategic planning as an ongoing process within the organization. Therefore, progress toward achieving the plan’s objectives will be assessed annually, and the plan will continue to be updated based on achievements and the changing needs of Library users and the community.
To view the JPL Strategic Plan, please click here.
Jeana Gockley, Director, or Chelsey Gatewood, Public Relations & Marketing Assistant
Joplin Public Library
jgockley@joplinpubliclibrary.org or cgatewood@joplinpubliclibrary.org
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