Webinar Series: Uniting for Recovery
Join the Missouri Chamber on Friday, February 19 for a special webinar about our ongoing push for legislation to stop opportunistic COVID-19 litigation. As anti-business forces work to derail the bill, the Missouri business community must make sure our lawmakers understand that this legislation is vital to our economic recovery.
Hear from Missouri Senator Bill White; Cary Silverman, a partner at Shook Hardy & Bacon; and Matthew Panik, Vice President of governmental affairs at the Missouri Chamber.
This webinar will kick off the Missouri Chamber’s Uniting for Recovery program. Register for this free event here.
Contact Your Senator Today
We need you to urge your senators to support SB 51 and 42 and the emergency clause. Businesses, schools, and health care providers in our state desperately need assurance that costly, unfair lawsuits will not be a threat to their livelihood as they try to get Missourians back to work. The Missouri Senate will soon be taking a final vote on this legislation.
Transportation Funding Needed
The Senate Committee on Transportation, Infrastructure, and Public Safety has passed a bill that would raise the state’s fuel tax so that Missouri can begin to address $825 million in annual unfunded high-priority transportation needs. Senate Bill 262 by Senate President Pro Tem Dave Schatz would gradually phase in the fuel tax increase.
Read more here.
Leveling the Playing Field for Missouri’s Brick-and-Mortars
The Missouri Chamber is advocating for legislation that will put brick-and-mortar businesses back onto an even playing field with online sellers.
Read more here.
Legal Reform Update
Missouri has made good progress in recent years to help level the playing field for businesses in the state’s courtroom. But legal climate rankings continue to put Missouri’s civil justice system among the most unfair to business defendants.
This year, the Missouri Chamber is building on its progress by working on a number of additional reforms.
Read more about these efforts here.
Employee or Contractor?
The rise of the gig economy and contract-based projects can sometimes create tricky situations for employers when it comes to classifying some workers as employees and others as dependent contractors.
Senator Bob Onder is working to bring clarity to this situation in Missouri with his Senate Bill 148.
Learn about the bill here.
Senate Committee Considers Small Franchisee Protection and Unemployment Fund Changes
A Senate committee met on February 9 to hear two bills that would Missouri employers.
View the highlights here.
Revolutionizing Delivery
Having packages delivered could become faster and more convenient than ever for Missourians, thanks to a bill under consideration by the Senate transportation committee.
Senator Lincoln Hough is sponsoring Senate Bill 176, which would provide guidelines for the use of personal delivery devices, or PDDs.
See the details here.
Establishing Targeted Industrial Manufacturing Enhancement Zones
These zones would be similar to Missouri’s existing Advanced Industrial Manufacturing (AIM) zones, which are located near ports. Currently, communities outside AIM zones don’t have the same types of opportunities. Senate Bill 174 would help level the playing field for the rest of the state, particularly smaller municipalities.
Read more here.
Reforming Missouri’s Initiative Petition Process
“It shouldn’t matter where you stand on the issues — every Missourian should be deeply concerned that our current process gives anyone who can afford to pay signature gatherers and buy slick election marketing the power to rewrite the rules that govern our state,” says Missouri Chamber President and CEO Daniel P. Mehan.
Read more about the reform here.
House Committee Advances Changes to Second Injury Fund Rules
The Missouri Chamber takes the position that the second injury fund (SIF) should continue as solvent, but it should be administered in a way that allows for a reduction of the supplemental surcharge when appropriate.
Learn more here.
Statewide Vaccine Signup Portal Launched
The State has launched Missouri Vaccine Navigator, a secure registry tool to assist Missourians in receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. This website allow individuals to complete a questionnaire to determine eligibility and register for a vaccine.
Sign up here.
Want to learn more?
If you’re interested in learning about the Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry, its programs, or efforts, visit their website or their Facebook page.
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