Since April 2020, the Board of Trustees and the Economic Stimulus Committee have tried different events or games to help our local businesses while restrictions were placed on them. El Charros, Babes Drive In, Butcher’s Block Event Center, the Meat’n Place and Woody’s Smokehouse participated in the $10.00 off drive thru and carry out program. That program was a success, encouraging everyone to support local restaurants, but still adhering to governmental limitations and social distancing guidelines.
The Bingo Game began May 8th and ended June 30, 2020. That game did not go over as well as we had hoped. We still have many gift cards and gift certificates to our local businesses that need to be awarded. So, we have tried to make it easier this time. Save receipts from any five (5) Airport Drive businesses. For each drawing, you must bring receipts from five different businesses. Bring the receipts to the Village Office and draw for a $20.00 gift card or gift certificate to an Airport Drive business. Play as many times as you like, there is no limit to the number of gift cards or certificates you can receive. The Village Office is located at 25150 Demott Drive, and open Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. For questions or more information, call 417-623-6744 or email Sue@airportdrivemo.com. Draw for $20.00 cards or certificates to these businesses.
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